Orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy

“Move with Grace…”

Back and Neck Therapy

Low back pain and neck pain are the most common causes of discomfort. There is evidence to prove that manual therapy/manipulation and specific exercises are effective in treating the conditions. Physiowise aims to deal with these conditions in the most recent and internationally adopted evidence based manner.

Joint Conditions

Degeneration starts at young ages as in 20’s in most people. They are a common cause of Osteoarthritis. Other forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and other forms of arthritis could also be managed from a movement perspective using physiotherapy. We aim to restore ranges, increase strength, muscle length and reduce pain in these conditions.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries could very well be sustained due to lack of proper fitness training (specific to the sport), muscle strength deficits, lack of stretching and similar factors which could be managed using physiotherapy. We aim to retrain you with warm up, cool down, sport specific proprioceptive exercise training, agility, strengthening and static and dynamic stretching routines.

Dr Jacob Roshan Mathew (Mphty, Australia)

Roshan has over 13 years of experience of studying and working in Sydney, Australia and in India. He has worked predominantly in the area of Orthopedic and Sports Physiotherapy. He has experience with Dr Linda-Joy Lee’s ‘Connect Therapy’, DMA Pilates, advanced knowledge and skills in Maitland, Mckenzie, Mulligan and Kaltenborn techniques of mobilization. He believes that the body needs to be considered in a holistic manner and conditions need to be treated with future prevention in mind.

We endeavor to help you in three aspects: Identifying the root cause of your pain or dysfunction, manage your condition and prevent injuries or future aggravations.

How we can help you

Our goal is to educate our patients, providing high quality and efficient care and to create a comfortable environment. We are here to support you as your trusted physiotherapist. We use internationally proven evidence based assessment and treatment strategies with respect to returning to your natural environment of work, sport and daily routine.

Consult us for any questions and treatments related to muscular issues, spine, back and neck pain, all joint pains and conditions, orthopaedic rehabilitation, fitness assessment, pain management, sports injuries and prevention strategies.

Need a Physiotherapist ? Call us at 9902715153 or Message us

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    • No 11, 2nd Cross Road,
    • 9th Main Road,
    • HRBR Layout 1st Block,
    • Kalyan Nagar,
    • Bengaluru 560043

Mon – Sat: 9 am – 1 pm;
4 pm – 8 pm
Sunday: Closed